Joan of Arc to Stage Drive-by Event for 2021

December 31 2020

Instead of canceling  because of Covid-19, the Krewe de Jeanne d'Arc is producing a drive-by event at Behrman Memorial Park at 2529 Gen. Meyer Avenue in Algiers on the West Bank.

From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., cars will be able to drive slowly past a series of tableau performances which means krewe members will be assuming poses as if they were figures in a painting. Come see a stylized version of the saint’s burning at the stake, attended by the Muff-A-Lottas. As in past years, the trumpeters, drummers and bagpipers, the confetti cannon, the knights, sheep, jesters and big birthday cake will also be present. An altar-style stage will replace St. Louis Cathedral, where the Joan or Arc procession will pause for a blessing. Absent this year will be live horses, the Amazon marching group, and the NOLA Chorus Girl (they costume as angels). No foot traffic will be allowed.

As a safety measure, all tableau participants will be separated by at least six feet (with the exception of family pods). Car passengers will be spaced out even more and passengers will be asked to keep their windows rolled up or wear a mask.

A book will be on  sale that explains the history of the saint and the parade, and there will be a drive-through Joan of Arc playlist . An online Joan of Arc trivia game will also be available for people looking to learn something as well as have fun.

The tickets are $10 and will be available starting January 1 on Eventbrite.


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