Krewe of Rex Updates Parade Route for 2012

February 13 2012

The Krewe of Rex updates its parade route for the first time in decades.

Mardi Gras 2012 is in full swing, and New Orleans and the surrounding areas are having a blast so far. Parade attendees have braved the cooler weather (cool for New Orleans, that is) and come away with their bags of beads and specialized throws.

The rest of this week gets rather busy for parade schedules, so be sure to plan accordingly if you're coming into town.

One quick note, the Krewe of Rex is making an update to their parade route for 2012. At the instection of St. Charles Avenue and Canal Street, the krewe will turn right instead of left, shaving off about 15 minutes of the overall parade. Be sure to set up your Mardi Gras headquarters on the southeast of the intersection, and you'll still get to enjoy all of the fun.

View the entire Krewe of Rex parade route.

Have a great Mardi Gras!

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